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Jude Langdon

“My review of Sheri’s capabilities and actions during the course of our real estate transaction may sound somewhat unreal in its superlatives but I really don’t have words to adequately address all that she brought to our particular situation.

Sheri defies defining. No matter the twists and turns in our complicated sale, she never disappointed.

She is an intelligent and well-educated person bringing the construct of a legal mind, with her law degree, to the complexities of today’s real estate marketplace.

However, I believe it is Sheri’s creativeness and tenacity that separate her from the crowd. Sheri was consistent in patiently, prudently and successfully navigating each obstacle that inevitably arises in today’s real estate sales.

She is an original and knows her marketplace well.

On the personal side, she is compassionate and generous.

We talked with Sheri over the course of years before we finally found ourselves ready to sell our home.

Truly I don’t think anyone would have been as successful as Sheri was in our sale and I am grateful for her guidance and expertise that were the necessary elements that made our deal close.”

-181 N McCadden, March 7, 2011

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