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Passover 2020

Date 4/7/2020

Dear Bienstock Group Family,

Passover is tomorrow night.  I’m thinking of my mom and the way she used to prepare for Passover.  I vividly remember my mom standing on a step ladder in her dining room for hours taking apart every little crystal on her chandelier, patiently dusting each crystal with Windex one at a time, laying each piece of that chandelier on a pool towel on her dining room table until the whole table was covered with all different size crystals, and then putting every crystal back one at a time.  My mom did everything that way – slowly, patiently, for so many hours, and until it was done just right. Even though my mom never worked outside the home, she was such a hard worker. I learned from being a guest at my mom’s Passover Seder table under that sparkling chandelier that hard work makes for extraordinary outcomes.

I miss my mom.  This year, with travel bans and social distancing, everyone is missing family during the holiday.  While we can’t physically be with the people we love, we can connect to them through the sights, smells, and tastes that flood us with memories from days when we were lucky enough to be together.

Before the holiday, my mom would field calls from so many people asking for both her staple recipes and her elaborate favorites.  In my mom’s honor, and in honor of all the moms who wish they could be with their children and grandchildren this Passover and all the daughters who are missing their moms like me, I’d like to share some of the recipes we’re making for the holiday to remember my mom and her cooking… Wishing you a meaningful and special holiday at home filled with warmth, love and memories.


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